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Zuidelijk gedeelte van de Chineesche zee: Blad I


location_onMalaysia, Singapore, Indonesia

Navigation map of the southern part of the South China Sea, including the straits of Malacca and Singapore, and the Riau Archipelago. Bathymetry (sea depth), lighthouses, shoals and other obstructions are marked, with hills to use as landmarks.

Zuidelijk gedeelte van de Chineesche zee: Blad I


location_onMalaysia, Indonesia, Singapore

Navigation map of the southern part of the South China Sea, including the straits of Malacca and Singapore, and the Riau Archipelago. Bathymetry (sea depth), lighthouses, shoals and other obstructions are marked, with hills to use as landmarks.

Reduzirte Karte von den Philippinen und den Sulu Inseln


location_onPhilippines, Malaysia, Indonesia

Maritime map of the Philippines, with inset maps of bays showing bathymetry (sea depth), shoals, reefs and anchor points. There is also an inset map of Taal Volcano, and elevations (side views of terrestrial landmarks like mountains and islands).

Nederlandsch Oost-Indië


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Southeast Asia, Singapore, Philippines, Papua New Guinea

This detailed map of the Dutch East Indies in the mid-19th century contains a great deal of information: topographical details, settlements and administrative areas, roads, railways and maritime routes, telegraph lines, inset maps etc.

Algemeene Kaart van Nederlandsch Oostindie


location_onEast Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

This detailed map of the Dutch East Indies in the mid-19th century is spread over eight sheets, plus a cover sheet showing the whole area. There are numerous inset maps of islands, bays, cities etc.

Algemeene kaart van Nederlandsch Oostindie


location_onEast Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

This map of the Dutch East Indies is spread over eight sheets, with a hand-drawn cover sheet showing the whole area. There are numerous inset maps of islands, bays, cities etc. Two of the inset maps have a replacement map pasted over them.

Reduzirte Karte von den Philippinen und den Sulu Inseln


location_onMalaysia, Indonesia, Philippines

Maritime map of the Philippines, with inset maps of bays showing bathymetry (sea depth), shoals, reefs and anchor points. There is also an inset map of Taal Volcano, and elevations (side views of terrestrial landmarks like mountains and islands).

Nieuwe en naukeurige kaart van Asia


location_onIndonesia, Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

Map of Asia featuring an early—and very vague—depiction of New Britain (‘Nieuw Brittanje’) which was named by the British explorer William Dampier when he visited in 1700. The ‘Straat van Dampier’ is also shown, dividing New Britain from New Guinea.

Nieuwe en naukeurige kaart van Asia


location_onIndonesia, Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

Map of Asia featuring an early—and very vague—depiction of New Britain (‘Nieuw Brittanje’) which was named by the British explorer William Dampier when he visited in 1700. The ‘Straat van Dampier’ is also shown, dividing New Britain from New Guinea.

Nuova carta dell' India di là del Fiume Ganges overo di Malacca, Siam, Cambodia, Chiampa, Kochinchina, Laos, Pegu, Ava &c.


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Southeast Asia

Based on a map by Guillaume Delisle, this map of Southeast Asia shows mountains and settlements pictorially, with larger cities also coloured red. Regional borders are colour-coded, as are some internal borders on the Malay Peninsula.

India orientalis, cum adjacentibus insulis


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

This mid-18th century map of Asia features a drawing of religious imagery: Asian people are seen making offerings to two figures, including the Greek god Poseidon (or the Roman god Neptune), and kneeling as cherubs descend from the sky.

Nieuwe kaart van India over de Ganges: of van Malakka, Siam, Cambodia, Chiampa, Kochinchina, Laos, Pegu, Ava enz.


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines

On this map, mainland Southeast Asia is divided into regions such as Cochin China, Ciampa and Tunquin (modern Vietnam), Siam (Thailand), Pegu, Aracan and Ava (Myanmar), Malacca (Malaysia), Laos and Cambodia. Rivers and settlements are also shown.
