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A new chart of the Oriental Seas and Islands... from the Isle of Ceylon to Amoye in China


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

A late 18th century maritime map of Southeast Asia, marked with expedition routes including the return of Captain Cook’s HMS Endeavour from Australia in 1770, and Captain Philip Carteret’s circumnavigation expedition in 1768.



location_onEast Timor, Indonesia

A page from Abbé Prévost’s ‘Histoire Générale des Voyages’. The top map shows the Bay of Laphao on Timor, while the other drawings are side views (or ‘elevations’) of mountains on the region’s islands to use as landmarks when navigating.

Isles Moluques


location_onEast Timor, Indonesia

The southern coasts of Sumbawa (‘Coinbava’) and Sumba (‘Sandet’), and most of the coast of New Guinea (‘Nouvelle Guinée’) are represented by a dotted line on this mid-18th century map, indicating that the exact coastlines were unknown at this time.

A map of Java, Borneo and the islands to the eastward of them as far as Nova Guinea


location_onIndonesia, East Timor

A simple mid-18th century map featuring Borneo, Java, Celebes (Sulawasi) and many other smaller islands as far as New Guinea to the east, and Timor to the south. The only details are the names of the islands and some larger settlements.

De landvoogdy van Amboina met de elf onderhoorige eylanden



Although mainly a navigation map—with a rhumbline network and elevations of mountains—there are also many terrestrial details shown, such as settlements and mountains. The inset map of Hoeamohel details plantations and the cultivation of nut crops.

De Moluccos en andere Speceri-Eilanden in d'Oost-Indien



Map of the ‘Spice Islands’ of maritime Southeast Asia, including the Maluku Islands. It is decorated with a drawing of an Asian man holding a large bird and a spear, and surrounded by baskets and boxes of goods of the spice trade.

[Dutch portolan chart of the eastern Dutch East Indies]


location_onIndonesia, East Timor

This colourful hand-drawn portolan (nautical) chart was designed to aid navigation. It features a rhumbline network (the web of interconnected lines), bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and reefs, anchor points and written notes.

Carta particolare dell' Isole Celebes è Giliolo parte Austrle. è di Buttō, Batuliar, Timor, Seram, Banda, è Amboina è aItre Isolete


location_onIndonesia, East Timor

This mid-17th century Italian map shows the eastern islands of maritime Southeast Asia. Text on the map refers to winds (‘Venti’), currents (‘Corrente’) and air temperature (‘L'Aria è Calda e Humida [The air is hot and humid]’).

Descriptio hydrographica accommodata ad battavorum navagatione in Javam insulam Indiæ Orientalis


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

This map shows the route of the first Dutch expedition to Southeast Asia in 1595-7. Led by Cornelis de Houtman, it was an attempt to enter the spice trade. The route crosses east over the Indian Ocean, circles the island of Java, and returns west.

Descriptio hydrographica accommodata ad battavorum navagatione in Javam insulam Indiæ Orientalis


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

This map shows the route of the first Dutch expedition to Southeast Asia in 1595-7. Led by Cornelis de Houtman, it was an attempt to enter the spice trade. The route crosses east over the Indian Ocean, circles the island of Java, and returns west.
