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A new chart shewing the navigation through the Strait of Sunda to Batavia



Navigation chart of the Sunda Strait, with sea depth, anchor points, shoals and other obstructions. Includes many bays, with four highlighted on inset maps. Partly based on writings of Captain Krusenstern whose 1806 route through the strait is shown.

A new chart shewing the navigation through the Strait of Sunda to Batavia



Navigation chart of the Sunda Strait, with sea depth, anchor points, shoals and other obstructions. Includes many bays, with four highlighted on inset maps. Partly based on writings of Captain Krusenstern whose 1806 route through the strait is shown.

Strait of Malacca: Sheet 1st


location_onMalaysia, Indonesia

This map of the Straits of Malacca features shoals and reefs, bathymetry (sea depth), drawings of side views of landmark mountains (elevations) and written observations, all designed to aid navigation.

An Spherical Chart of a part of the Archipelago of the Phillipine Islands



A hand-drawn map designed to aid navigation around the southern coast of Luzon and the islands of the central Philippines. It features side views of coastal hills and mountains (‘elevations’) to use as landmarks, as well as towns, shoals and reefs.

A new chart of the eastern straits to China drawn from the best authorities



Two maps of routes around the Flores and Banda seas—through the straits between the Lesser Sunda Islands and the Maluku Islands—towards China. Includes a rhumbline network—a web of lines to help plot routes—bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and reefs.

A New Chart of the Eastern Straits, or the Straits to the East of Java, with a part of the Banda Sea


location_onEast Timor, Indonesia

A late 18th century maritime navigation map of the straits east of Java, with drawings of the elevations of the straits. The map is also marked with routes of explorers, including the return of Captain Cook’s HMS Endeavour from Australia in 1770.

Kaart van het eiland Groot Java



Map of Java divided into administrative areas. Mountains are shown pictorially, major rivers are named, and the coasts have shoals. The map is orientated with south at the top, so the island looks ‘upside down’ compared to how it is usually shown.

Kaart van het eiland Groot Java



Map of Java divided into administrative areas. Mountains are shown pictorially, major rivers are named, and the coasts have shoals. The map is orientated with south at the top, so the island looks ‘upside down’ compared to how it is usually shown.

Bowles's new one-sheet map of Asia, divided into its empires, kingdoms, states, and other subdivisions


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

A late 18th century map of Asia published in London by John Bowles, with regions indicated by colour. Central Borneo is labelled ‘Part inhabited by the Biayos’, which is seen on many contemporary maps, often with the comment ‘a savage people’.

A chart of north-west coast of Borneo: from Balambangan to Borneo proper



Nautical charts, like this late 18th century example of the north-west coast of Borneo, were designed to help ships navigate. The numbers marked along the coastline and sea routes indicate the depth of the sea (bathymetry).

Sketch of the Straits of Gaspar



Map of the Gaspar Strait, off the east coast of Sumatra. The web of lines is a rhumbline network, numbers indicate sea depth (bathymetry), and there are side views of islands (elevations), all to aid navigation. Five 18th century routes are marked.

A chart of a part of the coast of Cochinchina: from Cham-Collao Island to the King's River



A map to aid navigation around the Touranne Bay (Bay of Turon, location of modern city of Da Nang, Vietnam). The web of lines is a rhumbline network, and bathymetry (sea depth), anchor points and two elevation views of the coasts are shown.
