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Map of Tennasserim


location_onMyanmar, Thailand

The border of the Tenasserim Division of British Burma (Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar) is highlighted in orange on this set of six map sheets, showing the boundary with Siam (Thailand) to the east, and the islands off the west coast.

Trade Routes in the Far East


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Map of stream ship trade routes around Southeast Asia. Rivers, railways, submarine telegraph cables, lighthouses (fixed, revolving and flashing), graving docks and coaling stations are marked. An inset map shows a railway route from Britain to Asia.

Map of the Kingdom of Siam and its dependencies


location_onCambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam

Map of the Kingdom of Siam, featuring mountains, rivers and villages, and surrounded by a yellow border (the border with Upper Burma and China in the north is undefined). The southern part of Siam is shown on an inset map of the Malay Peninsula.

India, Burmah and the adjacent parts of Beluchistan, Afghanistan, Turkestan, the Chinese Empire, and Siam


location_onMyanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia

British Burma is shown on the right of this two-sheet map of India. The green areas had come under British rule after the first and second Anglo-Burmese wars, with Upper Burma (light brown) being incorporated after the Third Anglo-Burmese War (1885).

A map shewing the various routes proposed for connecting China with India and Europe through Burmah and developing the trade of Eastern Bengal, Burmah and China


location_onMyanmar, Thailand

A map of proposed trade routes through Burmah (modern Myanmar) intended to connect China to India and Europe. The border between India and Burmah is marked as being ‘unexplored’ and ‘undefined’. A table lists the distances between various cities.

Map of Siam and some of its tributary provinces


location_onCambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand

A map of Siam (Thailand) and parts of Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia and Laos, focusing on the river networks, and the mountain ranges which are represented by hachures: short lines/dashes that give a sense of the shape and steepness of terrain.

The central part of British Burmah with the Shan provinces of Burmah and Siam


location_onMyanmar, Thailand

The routes of eight expeditions through Burma (Myanmar) and Siam (Thailand) are shown, with text noting ‘Ancient ruins with sarcophagi, mummies’, ‘bazaar… great variety of European goods’, ‘great thoroughfare for the Chinese trading with the Shans’.

Stanford's portable map of India shewing its present divisions and the adjacent parts of Beluchistan, Afghanistan, Turkestan, the Chinese Empire, Burmah and Siam


location_onMyanmar, Indonesia, Thailand

This two-sheet map of India includes Burma (Myanmar) and Siam. British Burma—which came under British colonial rule after the first (1824–1826) and second (1852–1853) Anglo-Burmese wars—is highlighted in red.

New map of Burma and the regions adjacent


location_onMyanmar, Thailand

Map of Burma spread over two sheets, labelled with the names of indigenous ‘tribes’ (uppercase red text), mountains, rivers, forests and plantations (teak, bamboo, sappanwood).

East Indies


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

Coloured borders are used to highlight the colonial territories of the British (red), Dutch (orange), Spanish (red) and Portuguese (blue) on this mid-19th century map of Southeast Asia. An inset map shows the island and strait of Singapore.

Malay Archipelago, or East India Islands


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

This mid-19th century map of Southeast Asia is illustrated with drawings of indigenous people from New Guinea, a ‘bee bear’ (probably a sun bear), a sailboat in front of Victoria Mount in New Guinea, and a village and palm trees in Sarawak, Borneo.

Eastern Islands: Birmah &c.


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

On this map of Southeast Asia, British colonial territory is highlighted within red borders: the Straits Settlements (Singapore, Malacca and Penang) on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula; and British Burma (Chittagong and Aracan, and Tenasserim).
