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Map of the Kingdom of Siam and its dependencies


location_onMyanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam

The border of the Kingdom of Siam (Thailand) and its internal administrative districts are highlighted in yellow. Inset maps show the cities of Bangkok, Chiengmai (Chiang Mai) and Luang Pra Bang (Luang Prabang) in more detail.

Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea-Kompanie


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

Very detailed six-sheet map of eastern New Guinea, with numerous inset maps of bays and islands, and other inset maps covering ethnography, explorers of the region, marine routes across the Pacific Ocean, cannibalism, missionaries activity etc.

Kaart der Bataklanden en van het eiland Nijas



A large-scale map of northern Sumatra, spread over 16 sheets, and divided into administrative regions. The island of Nijas (Nias) is marked with the locations of local tribes, and there is a list of other maps referenced in producing the map.

Kaart der Bataklanden en van het eiland Nijas



A large-scale map of northern Sumatra, spread over 16 sheets, and divided into administrative regions. The island of Nijas (Nias) is marked with the locations of local tribes, and there is a list of other maps referenced in producing the map.

Rough sketch plan of St. Joseph District, British New Guinea


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of part of British New Guinea with notes on terrain (‘Swamp’), vegetation (‘Grass & wood patches with old gardens’) and people (‘Oru tribe’), and three elevation views of mountain ranges. Some villages are marked as having ‘resident teachers’.

Plan of Port Moresby and the road to the Lolokie River: New Giunea


location_onPapua New Guinea

This map focuses on the capital city of British New Guinea, Port Moresby, and the road heading north-east from the city to the Laloki River. Along the road, there are descriptions of the terrain (‘Open flat fairly grasses timbered with bastard Gum’).

Map of the Malacca territory



A late 19th century map of the town of Malacca and its surrounding area, including jungles, forests, mountains, rivers, roads, villages, tapioca estates and factories, and police stations. There is even a leper hospital on an island off the coast.

Übersichtskarte der Französischen Expedition in Hinterindien vom Me-khong bis zum Jang-tse-kiang


location_onMyanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos

This map of the border region between China, Birma (Myanmar), Siam (Thailand and Laos) and Anam (Vietnam) is marked with the routes of five expeditions of the region from 1837 to 1868. Locations of Roman Catholic missionaries are also shown.

Der Indochinesischen Reiche: Birma, Siam, Kambodja und Annam


location_onCambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam

The route between Saigon and Rangoon taken by the German ethnologist Adolf Bastian is marked on this map of mainland Southeast Asia. There are two inset maps of cites: Mandalay, Amarapura and Ava in Burma; and Bangkok in Siam (including 14 temples).
