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Kaart van den gemiddelden regenval op Java, tevens situatie-schets van de djati- en wildhoutbosschen



This late 19th century map records the average rainfall at a variety of locations—marked with blue dots—on Java. Three types of forest are also shown: cultivated forest, wild forest under management, and wild forest not under management.

Sketch map shewing the rivers and an outline of the coast... Gulf of Papua, British New Guinea


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of part of the west coast of the Gulf of Papua, with islands, river mouths, shoals, bathymetry (water depth), notes to aid navigation. On land, notes on terrain (‘Limestone Hill’), vegetation (‘Pandanus & Nipa Palms’) and people (‘Paia Tribe’).

Map of British New Guinea


location_onPapua New Guinea, Indonesia

Map of British New Guinea, focusing on the sea (islands, shoals, reefs), coast (settlements, bays), mountains and land (‘dense forest’, ‘timbered with Eucalyptus’). Inset maps of Port Moresby, Samarai Island, and the whole island of New Guinea.

Topographische kaart der residentie Djokjakarta



The residency of Djokjakarta (Yogyakarta), southern Java, featuring crops (coffee, sugar, rice, alang-alang, tobacco, indigo plants, nipa palm, bamboo); warehouses, cemeteries, post offices; routes, administrative borders; mountains, rivers.

Topographische Kaart der residentie Pekalongan



Topographic map of the residency of Pekalongan (Central Java), divided into regencies (pink borders) and districts (yellow borders). Mountains, forests, settlements, routes, crops—alang-alang, coffee, sugar, rice—factories and warehouses are shown.

Topographische Kaart van de residentie Banjoemas



The residency of Banjoemas (Banyumas), Central Java, featuring plantations (bamboo, teakwood, coconut, coffee, cinnamon) and rice; routes (road, postal, railway), administrative borders; mountains, rivers, wetlands, forests.

Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea-Kompanie


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

Very detailed six-sheet map of eastern New Guinea, with numerous inset maps of bays and islands, and other inset maps covering ethnography, explorers of the region, marine routes across the Pacific Ocean, cannibalism, missionaries activity etc.
