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Kaart van Deli: Afdeeling der residentie Oostkusst van Sumatra



Map of Deli on the east coast of Sumatra, dominated by the numerous rivers that flow from the mountains in the southwest to the Strait of Malacca. The railway lines around the city of Medan are shown in red, and flags indicate a military garrison.

Kaart van een gedeelte der Oostkust van Sumatra (Langkat, Deli en Serdang) waar tabaks-plantingen zijn



Map of tobacco plantations in three regencies on the east coast of Sumatra. Each plantation is marked in red with the name of the brand under which its tobacco is imported into the Netherlands. Roads, railways and rivers are also shown.

Figuratieve kaart van Deli, Langkat en Serdang met aanteekening der uitgegeven kontrakten



Map of three regions on the northeast coast of Sumatra, with each region divided into parcels of land which are labelled with the name of a company. Presumably, these companies have been issued the contracts mentioned in the map’s title.


  • Filter from 1876 to 1884

Current results range from 1876 to 1884