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Zuidwestkust Celebes: Vaarwaters naar Makasser



Navigation map of the southwest coast of Celebes (Sulawesi), near Makassar. Bathymetry (sea depth), lighthouses (in red and yellow, with circles to show the extent of their range), shoals and other obstructions are marked.

Straat Banka: Zuidblad



Navigation map of the southern part of the Bangka Strait between Sumatra and Bangka Island. Bathymetry (sea depth), lighthouses, reefs, shoals and other obstructions (clay, coral, mud, stones, sand) are marked.

Kaart van het eiland Soemba



Map of Soemba (Sumba) in the Lesser Sunda Islands, divided into three departments and 26 districts. Mountains, rivers, anchor points, shoals and reefs are marked around the coasts. Much of the interior of the island is left blank.

Kaart van het Eiland Bali



Bali under Dutch colonial rule is shown here divided into eight regencies (administrative divisions). Contour lines indicate elevation, with the heights of some mountains noted. Shoals, reefs and sandbanks are marked around the coast.

Kaart van het eiland Soemba



Map of Soemba (Sumba) in the Lesser Sunda Islands, divided into three departments and 26 districts. Mountains, rivers, anchor points, shoals and reefs are marked around the coasts. Much of the interior of the island is left blank.

Baaien op de Zuidkust van Java



Five maps of bays of Java, including bathymetry (sea depth), anchor points, coastal hills, tide data, reefs and shoals. Obstructions in the water are marked ‘gr’ (rough), ‘h’ (hard), ‘k’ (clay), ‘kr’ (coral), ‘m’ (mud), ‘st’ (stones), and ‘z’ (sand).

Topographische kaart der residentie Bantam



The residency of Bantam, West Java, shown over nine sheets. Coffee and tea plantations, fields of rice, alang-alang, bamboo and other crops are marked. Inset maps show distances by road and path, and the area divided into regencies and districts.

Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost-Indië



Very detailed atlas of the entire Dutch East Indies, over 16 map sheets, with a cover and overview map. Includes topographic maps, inset maps of cities and islands, and maps featuring land and sea routes, languages, geology, colonial territory etc.

Map of Tennasserim


location_onMyanmar, Thailand

The border of the Tenasserim Division of British Burma (Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar) is highlighted in orange on this set of six map sheets, showing the boundary with Siam (Thailand) to the east, and the islands off the west coast.

Topographische Kaart der residentie Bantam



The residency of Bantam, West Java, shown over nine sheets. Coffee and tea plantations, fields of rice, alang-alang, bamboo and other crops are marked. Inset maps show distances by road and path, and the area divided into regencies and districts.

British New Guinea: Sketch plan showing the route traversed by His Excellency Sir Wm. Macgregor... from the Mambre mouth to the village of Gosisi on the Vanapa


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of the Mambare River from Mount Victoria to the sea at Duvira (or Traitors) Bay, British New Guinea. Villages, bases, camps and stores are marked, and there are notes on terrain (‘Low Hills’), vegetation (‘Betal Palms’), river width, rapids etc.

Map of Eastern New Guinea: illustrating a paper by Sir Wm. MacGregor


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

Map of eastern New Guinea, showing the routes—mainly along rivers—explored by Sir William MacGregor, the administrator of British New Guinea. The borders with the German colonial territory (Kaiser-Wilhelmsland) and Dutch New Guinea are also marked.
