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Overzichtskaart der residentie Wester-afdeeling van Borneo



Map of western Borneo, divided into administrative districts. Mountains and larger settlements are marked with their height. A flag indicates a military garrison. A list of the districts notes their type of local ruler (Sultan, Prince etc.).

Kaart van den Nederlandsch Oost Indischen archipel aantoonende de door de Inlandsche bevolking beleden godsdiensten



A map of the religions of the local peoples of the Dutch East Indies, with areas marked as Christian, Muslim, ‘heathen’. With population figures, including for Protestants and Catholics, and locations of missionaries and other religious teachers.

Kaart van de residentie Banka



Map of the island and residency of Bangka, divided into districts and sub-districts, and featuring mountains, rivers, wetlands, and settlements. The surrounding seas are marked with buoys, depth lines, anchor points, shoals and reefs.

Kaart van de residentie Oostkust van Sumatra



Detailed topographical map of the east coast of Sumatra, spread over 36 sheets. The area’s farms are listed and shown on the map within yellow borders, with types of crop grown. There is a detailed plan of Medan, and five inset maps of other towns.

Kaart van de residentie Banka



Map of Banka (Bangka) Island, east of Sumatra, divided into administrative districts. Rocks, shoals, buoys and anchor points are marked around the coast, with mountains, wetlands, roads and settlements on land. Inset map of Pulau Liat (Liat Island).

Kaart van de Hoofdplaats Padang



Map of the city of Padang, Sumatra, featuring roads, religious and military buildings, markets, warehouses and factories, and a railway station. Surrounding areas have villages and fields of rice, nutmeg, coconut, bamboo, alang-alang, sugarcane.
