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Burmah, Siam and Cochin China
Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
This map of mainland Southeast Asia features short texts noting mines, trade routes and travel times (‘5 to 7 days on Elephants’), history (‘conquered by the King of Siam 1809’), peoples (‘states tributary to the Chinese’) and products (‘Tea Tree’).
Map of the Eastern Frontier of British India, with the adjacent countries
Myanmar, Thailand
Regional and local borders are colour-coded, with mountains and rivers, settlements, paths/roads and names of local peoples marked. Notes such as ‘Gold dust found in these streams’ and ‘Rich in Tin’ add detail. Only two of four sheets are available.
- [remove]Burma3
- Arrakan1
- Assam1
- Ayeyarwady River1
- Bay of Bengal1
- Burmah1
- Camboja1
- Cochin China1
- Empire of Annam1
- Irrawaddy River1
- Kareennee or Red Kareens1
- Karennee1
- more Detailed Location »
- [remove]Mining3
- Plantation/Forestry Area1
- River3
- [remove]Road3
- Path1