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Reduzirte Karte von den Philippinen und den Sulu Inseln


location_onPhilippines, Malaysia, Indonesia

Maritime map of the Philippines, with inset maps of bays showing bathymetry (sea depth), shoals, reefs and anchor points. There is also an inset map of Taal Volcano, and elevations (side views of terrestrial landmarks like mountains and islands).

Kaart van Deli: Afdeeling der residentie Oostkusst van Sumatra



Map of Deli on the east coast of Sumatra, dominated by the numerous rivers that flow from the mountains in the southwest to the Strait of Malacca. The railway lines around the city of Medan are shown in red, and flags indicate a military garrison.

Topographische kaart der residentie Soerabaja



The residency of Soerabaja, East Java, featuring crops (coffee, coconut, sugarcane, rice, alang-alang, bamboo) and fishing ponds. Three inset maps: a triangulation map; a map of distances between settlements by types of transport; Bawean Island.

Kaart van een gedeelte der Oostkust van Sumatra (Langkat, Deli en Serdang) waar tabaks-plantingen zijn



Map of tobacco plantations in three regencies on the east coast of Sumatra. Each plantation is marked in red with the name of the brand under which its tobacco is imported into the Netherlands. Roads, railways and rivers are also shown.

Kaart van een gedeelte van Nieuw-Guinea bevattende het Nederlandsche- en de aangrenzende deelen van het Britsche- en het Duitsche gebied


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

Map showing the results of an 1884 agreement between the Netherlands and Britain to exchange parts of their colonial territories in New Guinea: the red area was ceded by the Netherlands to Britain; green was ceded by Britain to the Netherlands.

Overzichtskaart van Groot-Atjeh



Map of Groot-Atjeh (Aceh, Sumatra) divided into administrative districts. Mountains, forests, villages, railways, roads and rivers are marked. There are inset maps of Poeloe Bras (Breueh Island), and showing distances between larger settlements.

Ontwerp drinkwaterleiding voor de stad Cheribon



Hand-drawn map of the design of a drinking water pipeline for the city of Cheribon (Cirebon) on the northern coast of Java. Roads, rivers, rice paddies and other fields are shown. The written notes include the city’s population figures by ethnicity.

Itinéraires de Mr A. Pavie dans le Sud-Ouest l'Indo-Chine Orientale (Cambodge et Siam) (1880-1884)


location_onThailand, Cambodia

The routes taken by the French civil servant and explorer Auguste Pavie are marked on this map of Siam (Thailand) and Cambodge (Cambodia), along with the telegraph line that he subsequently constructed from Pnom Penh (Phnom Penh) to Bangkok.

India showing missionary stations


location_onMyanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia

This two-sheet map of India and Burma (Myanmar) shows missionary stations. The legend lists 29 European and 13 American missionary societies and churches, each with their own symbol to show their location on the map.
