Search Results
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos
A mid-19th century German map of mainland Southeast Asia showing a mixture of ancient kingdoms (e.g. Birma, Siam, Anam) and the colonial possessions of Britain (Malaya, Straits Settlements) and Denmark (Nicobar Islands).
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos
A mid-19th century German map of mainland Southeast Asia showing a mixture of ancient kingdoms (e.g. Birma, Siam, Anam) and the colonial possessions of Britain (Malaya, Straits Settlements) and Denmark (Nicobar Islands).
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos
A mid-19th century German map of mainland Southeast Asia showing a mixture of ancient kingdoms (e.g. Birma, Siam, Anam) and the colonial possessions of Britain (Malaya, Straits Settlements) and Denmark (Nicobar Islands).
- [remove]Assam4
- Anam3
- Ava3
- Birma3
- Cochin-China3
- Hinterindien3
- Judara Shan oder Kambodja3
- Maiaische Halbinsel3
- Malay Peninsula3
- Shan gewöhnlich Siam3
- Siam3
- Straits Settlements3
- more Detailed Location »
- [remove]Colonial Possessions4
- District/Administrative Border3
- Regional Border3
- National Border1
- [remove]Mountain/Volcano4