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A new chart shewing the navigation through the Strait of Sunda to Batavia



Navigation chart of the Sunda Strait, with sea depth, anchor points, shoals and other obstructions. Includes many bays, with four highlighted on inset maps. Partly based on writings of Captain Krusenstern whose 1806 route through the strait is shown.

A new chart shewing the navigation through the Strait of Sunda to Batavia



Navigation chart of the Sunda Strait, with sea depth, anchor points, shoals and other obstructions. Includes many bays, with four highlighted on inset maps. Partly based on writings of Captain Krusenstern whose 1806 route through the strait is shown.

The landing of the British Army at Chillinching on the island of Java 4th Augt. 1811



A map of the landing of British troops at Chillinching (Cilincing, 12 miles to the east of Batavia), part of the 1811 invasion of Java during the Napoleonic Wars. The frigate Leda is at the river mouth, as the British soldiers row to shore.
