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New Sketch Map of the Protected Malay State of Perak



Map of the state of Perak (Malay Peninsula) with a table of statistics: area, population, road/railway/river lengths, revenue, tin exports. Gold and tin mines are marked, and the Straits Settlements are highlighted in red.

New sketch map of the protected Malay State of Perak



Map of state of Perak (Malay Peninsula) with a table of statistics: area, population, road/railway/river lengths, revenue, tin exports. Straits Settlements highlighted red. Someone has added handwritten travel times/distances by steamer/road/train.

Nederlandsch Oost-Indië


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Southeast Asia, Singapore, Philippines, Papua New Guinea

This detailed map of the Dutch East Indies in the mid-19th century contains a great deal of information: topographical details, settlements and administrative areas, roads, railways and maritime routes, telegraph lines, inset maps etc.

Extension of the Electric Telegraph to Canton, Hong Kong, etc. from the Port of Rangoon


location_onMyanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Map of a proposed extension of a telegraph system from Rangoon (Yangon, Myanmar) to China. Includes current and projected railways, steam ship routes, and population figures for western China. From the British magazine ‘The Illustrated London News’.

India (southern sheet)


location_onMyanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand

The inset map on this map of India features part of mainland Southeast Asia, with the British colonial territories—Straits Settlements, British Burma—highlighted in red, ‘protected states’ in yellow, and ‘independent states’ in green.
