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[Verzamelkaart van door uitbarsting en vloedgolf verwoeste gebieden]



Nine maps of the effects of the 1883 Krakatoa volcanic eruption, including on Rakata Island itself, and Calmeyer Island (formed by the eruption). Other maps use brown shading to show the flooding of nearby islands and settlements by ensuing tsunamis.

Map of the Malay Peninsula


location_onMalaysia, Singapore

The Straits Settlements are in red, with the rest of the map marked with names of local peoples (‘Inhabited by the Johor Jakuns’) and resources (mines). Many areas are left blank or vague as unexplored or approximate. Inset map of Singapore city.

Map of the Malay Peninsula


location_onMalaysia, Singapore

The Straits Settlements are in red, with the rest of the map marked with names of local peoples (‘Inhabited by the Johor Jakuns’) and resources (mines). Many areas are left blank or vague as unexplored or approximate. Inset map of Singapore city.
