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Carte particuliere de l'isle d'Amboine



A mid-18th century map of the island of Amboine (Ambon Island in the Maluku Islands of modern Indonesia), featuring mountains, rivers and paths. Other notable highlights include a ruined castle, a guardroom, and houses.

Plan d'Amboine, tel qu'il étoit en 1718 = Platte-grond van Amboina, zoo als het was in den jaare 1718



This colourful mid-18th century plan of the city of Amboine (Ambon, capital of Ambon Island, in the Maluku Islands, Indonesia) has a detailed legend identifying locations within the city and the surrounding mountains. The text is in French and Dutch.

De landvoogdy van Amboina met de elf onderhoorige eylanden



Although mainly a navigation map—with a rhumbline network and elevations of mountains—there are also many terrestrial details shown, such as settlements and mountains. The inset map of Hoeamohel details plantations and the cultivation of nut crops.

Insulæ Indiæ orientalis


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

The southern coast of Java ('Iava Maior') on this map is represented by a dotted line, indicating that the exact coastline was unknown at this time. Italian text on the reverse describes the Maluku Islands including Ambon, Banda and Ternate.

Amboina ad viumu descripta quo tempore Admiarallus Wibrandus Warwicensis cum quatuor nauibus ante eam in achoris staret a 1599 mese martio



The Latin title of this map refers to an Admiral Wibrand of Warwick, who visited the island of Amboina (Ambon Island in the Maluku Islands) in March 1599.

Moluccæ insulæ



This early 17th century map features Gilolo (Halmahera) and Seram, as well as Celebes (Sulawesi). French text on the reverse describes the ‘Isles Molucques’ (Maluku Islands), including trade in nutmeg, mace, aloe, cinnamon, ginger, pepper and cloves.

India orient


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

Early 17th century map of Asia, with annotations in Latin naming the major countries, islands and cities. Maritime Southeast Asia is shown as an archipelago of many small islands. Latin text on the reverse describes the region.


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