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[Verzamelkaart van door uitbarsting en vloedgolf verwoeste gebieden]



Nine maps of the effects of the 1883 Krakatoa volcanic eruption, including on Rakata Island itself, and Calmeyer Island (formed by the eruption). Other maps use brown shading to show the flooding of nearby islands and settlements by ensuing tsunamis.

A new chart shewing the navigation through the Strait of Sunda to Batavia



Navigation chart of the Sunda Strait, with sea depth, anchor points, shoals and other obstructions. Includes many bays, with four highlighted on inset maps. Partly based on writings of Captain Krusenstern whose 1806 route through the strait is shown.

A new chart shewing the navigation through the Strait of Sunda to Batavia



Navigation chart of the Sunda Strait, with sea depth, anchor points, shoals and other obstructions. Includes many bays, with four highlighted on inset maps. Partly based on writings of Captain Krusenstern whose 1806 route through the strait is shown.


  • Filter from 1815 to 1883

Current results range from 1815 to 1883