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Zuidelijk gedeelte van de Chineesche zee: Blad I


location_onMalaysia, Singapore, Indonesia

Navigation map of the southern part of the South China Sea, including the straits of Malacca and Singapore, and the Riau Archipelago. Bathymetry (sea depth), lighthouses, shoals and other obstructions are marked, with hills to use as landmarks.

Zuidelijk gedeelte van de Chineesche zee: Blad I


location_onMalaysia, Indonesia, Singapore

Navigation map of the southern part of the South China Sea, including the straits of Malacca and Singapore, and the Riau Archipelago. Bathymetry (sea depth), lighthouses, shoals and other obstructions are marked, with hills to use as landmarks.

Kaart der residentie Riouw met onderhoorigheden, aangrenzend deel van Sumatra's Westkust en schiereiland Malakka


location_onIndonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

Map of the Riouw (Riau) Residency, Sumatra. The border between Riau and the island’s west coast is marked in red ‘as far as it is known [voor zoo verre die... bekend is]’, ending abruptly in the unexplored mountains near Lake Toba, northern Sumatra.

To James Carnegy and Robert Scott Esqrs. of Prince of Wales Island... this Chart of the Islands and Channels at the Southwest Extremity of the China Sea


location_onMalaysia, Singapore, Indonesia

Chart of the Singapore Strait, Riau Archipelago and Lingga Islands, marked with bathymetry (sea depth), side views of landmark mountains (elevations), written notes, and islands, shoals and reefs, all to aid navigation.

To James Carnegy and Robert Scott Esqrs. of Prince of Wales Island... this Chart of the Islands and Channels at the Southwest Extremity of the China Sea


location_onMalaysia, Singapore, Indonesia

Chart of the Singapore Strait, Riau Archipelago and Lingga Islands, marked with bathymetry (sea depth), side views of landmark mountains (elevations), written notes, and islands, shoals and reefs, all to aid navigation.



location_onIndonesia, Malaysia

Hand-drawn map of islands in the Riau Archipelago, with bathymetry (sea depth) marked. It features side views of hills (‘elevations’) to use as landmarks, including ‘Jehore hill’, probably in Johor at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula.


  • Filter from 1775 to 1899

Current results range from 1775 to 1899