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Kaart van de dichtheid van bevolking van Java en Madoera



This map shows the population density of Java and Madura in 1892. The area is divided into regencies, which are then subdivided into districts, with the districts shaded to represent its population. Each district is also listed under its regency.

Kaart van den gemiddelden regenval op Java, tevens situatie-schets van de djati- en wildhoutbosschen



This late 19th century map records the average rainfall at a variety of locations—marked with blue dots—on Java. Three types of forest are also shown: cultivated forest, wild forest under management, and wild forest not under management.

Kaart van den op Java en Madoera reeds in gebruik genomen grond



Land usage statistics are shown on this map of Java and Madura. The amount of land used in each district is indicated by green hash marks, and by a number giving its land use percentage. District names are listed and identified by a letter.
