Map of the Dutch colonial administrative region (residency) of Soerabaya (Surabaya, Java), including the Madura Strait and an inset map of the island of Bawean. (From ‘Algemeene Atlas van Nederlandsche Indie [General Atlas of the Dutch East Indies]’.
Malakkas Grondteijckeningh: 1656 en 1663
Plan of the military fort of ‘A Famosa [The Famous]’ in Malakka (Malacca) in the mid-17th century. A separate piece of paper has a handwritten legend identifying parts of the fort.
Malakkas Grondteijckeningh: 1656 en 1663
Plan of the military fort of ‘A Famosa [The Famous]’ in Malakka (Malacca) in the mid-17th century. A separate piece of paper has a handwritten legend identifying parts of the fort.