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Military cantonments: town and suburbs of Akyab, 1853-54



Plan of British military installations in the port town of Akyab, Burma (Sittwe, Myanmar), featuring piers on the Kolladyne River (Kaladan River), hospitals, a work house, mission house, hotel, bazaar, burial grounds, religious buildings etc.

Nederlandsch Oost-Indië


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Southeast Asia, Singapore, Philippines, Papua New Guinea

This detailed map of the Dutch East Indies in the mid-19th century contains a great deal of information: topographical details, settlements and administrative areas, roads, railways and maritime routes, telegraph lines, inset maps etc.

Kaart van Batavia omstreeks honderdvÿfentwintigjaren geleden overgebragt in het jaar 1864



Although published in the mid-19th century, this map is based on Batavia (Jakarta) in c.1740. It focuses on the city’s castle and streets (in red), but also shows the fields of crops and the wetlands surrounding the city (in blue).

Teekening van de wooning van den aspirant lichtopzigter bij den vuurtoren te Batavia



An architectural drawing of modifications to be made to a house at the lighthouse in Batavia, consisting of two elevations and a floor plan. The original building is in black, with the new construction in red. It is dated 5th October 1863.

Topographische kaart van de residentie Banjoemaas



The residency of Banjoemaas (Banyumas), Central Java, featuring plantations (bamboo, teakwood, coconut, coffee, cinnamon) and rice; routes (road, postal), administrative borders; mountains, rivers, wetlands, forests.

Kaart van de Oosterhelft der Residentie Timor



Map of the eastern half of the Dutch colonial administrative region (residency) of Timor, with an inset map of its capital city and port Timorkoepang (Kupang). (From ‘Algemeene Atlas van Nederlandsche Indie [General Atlas of the Dutch East Indies]’.)

Topographische kaart der residentie Bagelen



The residency of Bagelen, Central Java, is shown divided into regencies and districts. Coffee, tea and cinnamon plantations, fields of rice, alang-alang and other crops, mountains, rivers, hot and mineral springs, settlements and routes are marked.

Kaart der Residentie Soerakarta



Map of the Dutch colonial administrative region (residency) of Soerakarta (Surakarta, Java). Inset map of Surakarta city, with a military fort and two palaces. (From ‘Algemeene Atlas van Nederlandsche Indie [General Atlas of the Dutch East Indies]’.)

Kaart der residentie Soerakarta



The residency of Soerakarta in Central Java is shown divided into regencies (yellow borders) and districts (blue borders). There is an inset plan of the capital city, Soerakarta (modern Surakarta), and mountains and land routes are marked.

Kaart van de westerhelft der residentie Rembang



Topographic map of the residency of Rembang, Central Java, divided into regencies and districts. Roads and villages are marked, with shoals, reefs and water depth at sea. An inset map of the city of Rembang features markets, warehouses, churches.

Kaart der afdeeling Poerbolingo: Residentie Banjoemaas



The legend on this hand-drawn map of the district of Poerbolingo (Purbalingga), Central Java, includes ‘hoofd plaats [main town]’, ‘dessa [village]’, ‘doekoeh [farm]’, ‘indigofabriek [indigo plant mill]’ and ‘koffypakhuis [coffee warehouse]’.

Malay Archipelago, or East India Islands


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

This mid-19th century map of Southeast Asia is illustrated with drawings of indigenous people from New Guinea, a ‘bee bear’ (probably a sun bear), a sailboat in front of Victoria Mount in New Guinea, and a village and palm trees in Sarawak, Borneo.
