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Deutsche Kolonien


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

From Joseph Kürschner’s ‘Universal-Konversations-Lexikon’, this map of German colonies includes the island of New Guinea. Divided between Dutch, British and German colonies, the German territory is Kaiser-Wilhelmsland and the Bismarck Archipelago.

Stanford's Map of the Empires of China & Japan with the adjacent parts of the Russian Empire, India, Burma &c.


location_onMyanmar, Vietnam

The most northern part of Southeast Asia is shown on this map of China and Japan, with Burma (Myanmar) and Tong-King (Vietnam) appearing at the bottom of the map. Mountains, rivers and settlements are marked, as well as a railway line in Burma.

India shewing railways



This map of India and Burma (Myanmar) shows railways, and railways sanctioned or under construction. Other maps in this series show the same area in different years of the 1890s.

Kaiser Wilhelms-Land: Das Hinterland der Astrolabe-Bucht bis zum Ramu-Fluss


location_onPapua New Guinea

Map of part of the north coast of Kaiser-Wilhelmsland (German New Guinea) spread over two sheets. It focuses on rivers, noting width, depth, temperature, currents, vegetation etc.; and on mountains, showing heights and side views (elevations).
