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This detailed late 19th century map shows Java divided into regencies, and features mountains, roads, railways, and rivers. There is also an inset map of the port city of Batavia (Jakarta).

Kaart der Bataklanden en van het eiland Nijas



A large-scale map of northern Sumatra, spread over 16 sheets, and divided into administrative regions. The island of Nijas (Nias) is marked with the locations of local tribes, and there is a list of other maps referenced in producing the map.

Kaart van Zuid Celebes met uitzondering van het rijk Gowa



Detailed topographical map of South Celebes (Sulawesi) spread over four sheets, featuring crops (coffee, alang-alang, rice), fishing ponds, salt panning. With two additional maps of the island of Saleijer (Selayar) and Pitoempanoewae (Pitumpanua).

Kaart der Bataklanden en van het eiland Nijas



A large-scale map of northern Sumatra, spread over 16 sheets, and divided into administrative regions. The island of Nijas (Nias) is marked with the locations of local tribes, and there is a list of other maps referenced in producing the map.

South eastern frontier


location_onMyanmar, Thailand

Very detailed large-scale map of the southeast border of Burma (Myanmar) and Siam (Thailand), divided into districts. Spread over multiple sheets, seems incomplete (some sheets appear more than once, probably from different versions of the same map).

Topographische Kaart der residentie Bagelen



The residency of Bagelen, Central Java, is shown divided into regencies and districts. Coffee, tea and cinnamon plantations, fields of rice, alang-alang and other crops, mountains, rivers, hot and mineral springs, settlements and routes are marked.

Oudheidkundige Kaart van West en Midden Java



This map of western and central Java uses red symbols to mark the locations of antiquarian sites, including tjandis (Hindu tombs), walls, terraces, fortifications, temples, wells, statues and cemeteries. Rivers, roads and railways are also shown.

Kaart van de residentie Oostkust van Sumatra



Detailed topographical map of the east coast of Sumatra, spread over 34 sheets. The area’s farms are listed and shown on the map, with types of crop grown. With five inset maps of individual towns. Two sheets and the cover sheet are missing.

Karte der Karaulanden



A map recording five Dutch expeditions through the Karo Lands of northern Sumatra. The mountainous terrain is represented by contour lines, with peaks’ heights marked. The names of groups of the indigenous Karo people are shown in large letters.

Schets-taalkaart van de residentie Bangka / Schets-taalkaart van den Riouw- en Lingga-archipel



Two separate maps showing the languages and dialects spoken on the islands of Bangka, and the Riouw (Riau) and Lingga archipelagos, in the late 19th century. On Bangka alone, there are 12 languages or dialects listed.

De regenval op Java / Dichtheid en samenstelling der bevolking op Java / Cultuurgewassen op Java / Veestapel op Java



Four maps recording the rainfall, population and ethnicity, crops, and livestock of Java in the late 19th century.

Kaart van de residentie Oostkust van Sumatra



Detailed topographical map of the east coast of Sumatra, spread over 36 sheets plus a cover sheet of the whole area. Mountains and forests dominate, with villages, routes and administrative borders shown. With five inset maps of individual towns.
