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Queensland and British New Guinea


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

British New Guinea is highlighted in red on this map of New Guinea and Australia, with German and Dutch colonial areas also partially shown. There is a line marking the boundary between the British and German spheres of influence.

Kaart van het eiland Lombok



A map of the island of Lombok divided into administrative districts. Rivers, roads and paths, forests and mountains, anchor points, and crops—rice, coconut, coffee, banana, alang-alang, bamboo, casuarina (Javanese pine)—are marked.

Kaart van Midden Lombok



Map of southern Lombok in the Lesser Sunda Islands, including the capital city Mataram, other settlements, routes and crops/plantations—rice, coconut, tea, coffee, banana, alang-alang, bamboo, arenga palm—with more mountainous regions to the north.

Map of Eastern New Guinea: illustrating a paper by Sir Wm. MacGregor


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

Map of eastern New Guinea, showing the routes—mainly along rivers—explored by Sir William MacGregor, the administrator of British New Guinea. The borders with the German colonial territory (Kaiser-Wilhelmsland) and Dutch New Guinea are also marked.

Queensland and British New Guinea


location_onIndonesia, Papua New Guinea

New Guinea is divided between British, German and Dutch colonial powers on this map of New Guinea and Australia. There is a line marking the boundary between the British and German spheres of influence. Bays and islands around the coast are named.
