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Birman Empire & countries south east of the Ganges
Dower, John; 1831
About This Map
This map of mainland Southeast Asia is divided into colour-coded regions. The Birman Empire (Myanmar) is the most detailed, with internal regions, rivers including the Irrawaddy, mountains and settlements marked.
Contour Lines/Elevation
Longitude and Latitude
Regional Border
Library Catalogue
General Note: "Drawn & Engraved by J. Dower ...".
General Note: Numbered 28.
General Note: Shows boundaries, rivers, deserts and principal settlements.
General Note: Relief shown by hachures.
General Note: Greenwich meridian.
Geographic Coverage Note: South East Asia.
Open note in new window Notes for Bodleian Library: Allen LRO 628 Folded sheets: folded once. - Hand coloured ill.: Hand coloured: boundaries; regions and sea shaded.
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Overlay View
View this historical map as an overlay on a contemporary map. Adjust your view using the georeference tool.