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Map of the possessions and establishments of the King of the Netherlands in the East Indies
Carte des possessions et etablissemens du Roi des Pays-Bas aux Indes Orientales
Carte des possessions et etablissemens du Roi des Pays-Bas aux Indes Orientales
Reding, H.; Dyonnet, Charles; 1839
About This Map
Map of the Dutch East Indies featuring maritime routes from the Sunda Strait and Batavia (Jakarta) to the Maluku or Spice Islands (Ambon, Ternate etc.). There is an eastern route (taken from October to March) and a return route (December to March).
Contour Lines/Elevation
Longitude and Latitude
Maritime Route
Colonial Possessions
Library Catalogue
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Overlay View
View this historical map as an overlay on a contemporary map. Adjust your view using the georeference tool.