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Birman Empire


location_onCambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos

This map of the Burman Empire (Myanmar) features mountains, forests and rivers, as well as borders with Siam (Thailand) and Laos. Text notes how far up rivers boats can reach (‘Boats reach hither from the Sea’), ruby mines and rice fields.

New Holland and Asiatic Isles


location_onIndonesia, East Timor, Papua New Guinea

Includes part of maritime Southeast Asia. New Guinea is labelled as ‘discovered in 1527’—a reference to the Portuguese explorer Jorge de Menezes—with additional labels describing the terrain (‘Very low land’, ‘Coast is not well known’, ‘An Opening’).

Chart... Shewing the Connection and respective distances by Sea, between the principal harbours and Settlements in the East Indies


location_onThailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia

Maritime routes had to be adjusted in response to the changing monsoon seasons, as is seen on this late 18th century map of the Indian Ocean. Drawings of the heads of children blowing—called ‘wind-heads’—are used to indicate wind direction.

The coast of India and China from the point and river of Camboja to Canton: comprehending the coasts of Tsiompa and Cochinchina, with the coast of Tonkin and the coast of Koan-Ton, with the isle of Hai-nan


location_onCambodia, Vietnam

Navigation chart of the east coast of mainland Southeast Asia, from Cambodia to China. Islands, shoals and reefs are marked, along with bathymetry (sea depth). There are seven side views of islands (elevations) to use as landmarks.

Plan of Pulo Condor



There is a port at the south of this map of the Côn Đảo archipelago (Vietnam), and notes giving details such as a suitable location to careen ships (turning a ship on its side for cleaning or repair). A ruined English fort is also marked.

A new chart of the straits of Sunda: From the manuscript of the Dutch East India Company



Navigation chart of the Sunda Strait, showing bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and reefs, landmarks, and a rhumbline network. Notes record good anchorages, sources of water and supplies etc. Inset map of the Zutphen Islands off the coast of Sumatra.

Second part of a map of Asia: containing China, part of Tartary, and India beyond the Ganges, with the isles of Sunda, Phillipiines, Moluccas and Japon


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

Although the title is in English, all the other text on this map of Southeast Asia is in French (and versions with French titles were also produced). Hand-coloured regional borders, rivers and settlements are featured.

A general chart of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, with the situation & plan of Pulo Peenang or Price of Wales's Island / Plan of the Strait within Poolo Pinang


location_onMalaysia, East Timor, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore

Two maps. One features most of the world, but with Borneo, Philippines and most of mainland Southeast Asia missing, though there is an inset map of Penang. The other is a navigation map of the strait at Penang, with bathymetry and elevations.

A new and accurate map of the East India Islands: laid down according to the latest discoveries, and agreeable to the most approved maps & charts


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Southeast Asia, Singapore, Philippines

This mid-18th century map of Southeast Asia includes written notes on goods produced and traded, geographical features, and wild animals found in each part of the region. The cartouche features a drawing of Asia with people, fields and palm trees.

A new and accurate map of the Empire of the Great Mogul, together with India on both sides of the Ganges, and the adjacent countries


location_onCambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Notes on this map describe European colonial territories and trade with Asia, though this is concentrated around India, and mostly has not yet reached further east to ‘India extra Gangem [India beyond the Ganges]’ as Southeast Asia is labelled.

The principal islands of the East-Indies: explaining what belongs to England, Spain and Holland &c.


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Southeast Asia

The letters ‘E’ or ‘D’ are marked after place names to indicate if they are English or Dutch colonial possessions: e.g. ‘Marleborough Fort E’ on Sumatra or ‘Concordia Fort D’ on Timor. The Philippines are labelled ‘to Spain’.

The principal islands of the East-Indies: explaining what belongs to England, Spain and Holland &c.


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Southeast Asia

The letters ‘E’ or ‘D’ are marked after place names to indicate if they are English or Dutch colonial possessions: e.g. ‘Marleborough Fort E’ on Sumatra or ‘Concordia Fort D’ on Timor. The Philippines are labelled ‘to Spain’.


  • Filter from 1630 to 1900

Current results range from 1630 to 1900