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Kaart van Ternate, Halmaheira en Omringende Eilanden
Map of Halmahera and other of the northern Maluku islands, colour-coded by their administrative region, with the seas and passages between them named. (From ‘Algemeene Atlas van Nederlandsche Indie [General Atlas of the Dutch East Indies]’.)
Kaart van het Midden-en Zuidelyk Gedeelte van den Molukschen Archipel
Indonesia, East Timor
Map of some of the Maluku islands around the Banda Sea, colour-coded by their administrative region, and with an elevation showing heights of mountains. (From ‘Algemeene Atlas van Nederlandsche Indie [General Atlas of the Dutch East Indies]’.)
Algemeene kaart van Nederlandsch Oostindie
East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
This map of the Dutch East Indies is spread over eight sheets, with a hand-drawn cover sheet showing the whole area. There are numerous inset maps of islands, bays, cities etc. Two of the inset maps have a replacement map pasted over them.
Carte des possessions et etablissemens du Roi des Pays-Bas aux Indes Orientales
Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
Map of the Dutch East Indies featuring maritime routes from the Sunda Strait and Batavia (Jakarta) to the Maluku or Spice Islands (Ambon, Ternate etc.). There is an eastern route (taken from October to March) and a return route (December to March).
Carte des possessions et etablissemens du Roi des Pays-Bas aux Indes Orientales
Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
Map of the Dutch East Indies featuring maritime routes from the Sunda Strait and Batavia (Jakarta) to the Maluku or Spice Islands (Ambon, Ternate etc.). There is an eastern route (taken from October to March) and a return route (December to March).
Les Îles Moluques, tres exactement representées selon les plus nouvelles Observations des meilleurs Geographes
A map of a small island chain off the west coast of the island of Gilola (modern Halmahera in the Maluku Islands of Indonesia). The military forts on the islands were used by the European colonial powers during conflicts over the area’s spice trade.
- Maluku Islands23
- [remove]Ternate23
- Halmahera17
- Borneo12
- Sumatra12
- Tidore12
- Java11
- Makian10
- Bacan9
- Gilolo9
- Malacca9
- Western New Guinea9
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- [remove]Mountain/Volcano23
- Wild Animals10
- Jungle/Wooded Area5
- Wetlands2
- Münster, Sebastian5
- Cronenberg, F.2
- Derfelden van Hinderstein, Gijsbert Franco von2
- Dyonnet, Charles2
- Melvill van Carnbee, Pieter2
- Mercator, Gerhard2
- Ptolemy2
- Reding, H.2
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- A.J. Bogaerts2
- Chez Binet2
- Hendrik Hondius2
- Van Haren Noman & Kolff2
- Jean Cóvens et Corneille Mortier1
- Matthaeus Merian1
- Merianischen Erben1
- Pieter van der Aa1
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