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A new chart of the straits of Sunda: From the manuscript of the Dutch East India Company



Navigation chart of the Sunda Strait, showing bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and reefs, landmarks, and a rhumbline network. Notes record good anchorages, sources of water and supplies etc. Inset map of the Zutphen Islands off the coast of Sumatra.

De Straat Sunda in de Oost-Indische Zee tussen de Eylanden Sumatra en Java



Chart of the Sunda Strait, focusing on bays and islands, and showing bathymetry (sea depth), anchor points, shoals and reefs, landmarks, and a rhumbline network, all to aid navigation. Includes an inset map of the bay of the city of Banten on Java.

De Straat Sunda in de Oost-Indische Zee tussen de Eylanden Sumatra en Java



Chart of the Sunda Strait, focusing on bays and islands, and showing bathymetry (sea depth), anchor points, shoals and reefs, landmarks, and a rhumbline network, all to aid navigation. Includes an inset map of the bay of the city of Banten on Java.


  • Filter from 1750 to 1794

Current results range from 1750 to 1794