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East India Islands


location_onVietnam, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Indonesia, East Timor, Cambodia, Brunei

The shoals and reefs of maritime Southeast Asia are highlighted on this colourful mid-19th century map, with the treacherous waters around many islands and straits marked.

Map of the Eastern Frontier of British India, with the adjacent countries


location_onMyanmar, Thailand

Regional and local borders are colour-coded, with mountains and rivers, settlements, paths/roads and names of local peoples marked. Notes such as ‘Gold dust found in these streams’ and ‘Rich in Tin’ add detail. Only two of four sheets are available.

Eastern islands or Malay archipelago


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Thailand

Brief notes printed on this 19th century map of Southeast Asia provide details about each region, including: numbers and ethnicity of the population, local or colonial rulers, crops and products, geography (corals, forests, volcanos, earthquakes).

China, Birmah and Anam


location_onCambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines

Coloured borders are used on this map to divide mainland Southeast Asia into empires and kingdoms. Mountains, rivers and major settlements are shown in land, with islands, shoals and reefs marked in the South China Sea.

Map of the countries between Bengal and China


location_onIndonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore

The location, size, and population (by ethnicity) of Pinang, Malacca and Singapore—the Straits Settlements—are listed, along with how/when they were acquired by Britain. The distances from Canton (China) to those cities, and to India, are also noted.

Birman Empire & countries south east of the Ganges


location_onCambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

A 19th century map of mainland Southeast Asia, showing the ancient kingdoms of the Birman Empire (roughly modern Myanmar), Malaya (Malaysia), Siam (Thailand), Cochin China and Tonquin (Vietnam), and the Anamese Empire (Cambodia and Laos).



location_onBrunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Vietnam

The various regions of Southeast Asia are marked in different colours on this mid-19th century map. For example, on the mainland, the Birman Empire (Myanmar) is in yellow, with Siam (Thailand) in blue, and Anam (Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) in green.

Map of the Burman Empire including also Siam, Cochin-China, Ton-king and Malaya


location_onVietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Brunei, Singapore

Regional borders are colour-coded on this mid-19th century map of mainland Southeast Asia, with British colonial territory in red (including part of the Burman Empire, the Straits Settlements, and Sarawak on Borneo).

Asiatic archipelago


location_onVietnam, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Indonesia, East Timor, Cambodia, Brunei

This late 19th century map of Southeast Asia shows the best maritime routes around the region, according to the time of year. There is also an inset map highlighting the rivers and southern islands of Singapore.

Birman Empire & countries south east of the Ganges


location_onCambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam

This map of mainland Southeast Asia is divided into colour-coded regions. The Birman Empire (Myanmar) is the most detailed, with internal regions, rivers including the Irrawaddy, mountains and settlements marked.

A new chart of the Straits of Malacca


location_onMalaysia, Indonesia, Singapore

Map of the Strait of Malacca, with inset maps of a central part of the strait and of the Singapore Strait. Bathymetry (sea depth), shoals and reefs are marked, and there are elevations (side views of hills and mountains to use as landmarks).

East India Isles


location_onBrunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Southeast Asia, Singapore, Philippines

From ‘Thomson’s New General Atlas’, this mid-19th century map was based on an earlier map by the English cartographer John Cary. It highlights the mountain ranges and rivers of Southeast Asia, and also features many place names.
