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Principal Dutch colonies in the Indian seas


location_onBrunei, Indonesia, Malaysia

Two maps of the Dutch East Indies, decorated with drawings of local people and animals. Dutch colonial territory and local sultanates and provinces are highlighted. The heights of Java’s mountains and settlements are displayed in an elevation view.

Topographische kaart der residentie Semarang



The residency of Semarang, Central Java, featuring crops (coffee, rice, bamboo, nipa palm); warehouses, cemeteries, post offices; routes, administrative borders; mountains, rivers, forests. An inset map shows updated details of the Kendal district.

Kaart der residentie Riouw met onderhoorigheden, aangrenzend deel van Sumatra's Westkust en schiereiland Malakka


location_onIndonesia, Malaysia, Singapore

Map of the Riouw (Riau) Residency, Sumatra. The border between Riau and the island’s west coast is marked in red ‘as far as it is known [voor zoo verre die... bekend is]’, ending abruptly in the unexplored mountains near Lake Toba, northern Sumatra.

Eastern British frontier bordering on Burmah and Munneepoor



This map shows the border between the British Empire (modern Bangladesh) and Burmah (Myanmar). Although the Burmah part of the map is mostly blank, there is a reference to ‘Shendoos’ (now known as the Lai people).

Kaart der residentie Banjoemas



The residency of Banyumas (‘Residentie Banjoemas’) in Central Java is shown divided into regencies (yellow borders) and districts (blue borders) on this map. Cities, towns and villages are marked, as are roads, rivers, paths and postal routes.

Topographische kaart der residentie Pekalongan



Topographic map of the residency of Pekalongan (Central Java), divided into regencies (pink borders) and districts (yellow borders). Mountains, forests, settlements, routes, crops—alang-alang, coffee, sugar, rice—factories and warehouses are shown.

Topographische kaart der residentie Kadoe



The residency of Kadoe (Kadu), Central Java, is shown divided into regencies and districts, with population figures for each district. Villages (kampongs) and towns, fields, mountains, rivers and roads are marked. There is an inset triangulation map.

Topographische kaart der residentie Japara



Four-sheet topographic map of the residency of Japara (Jepara, Central Java), with an inset signal map of locations’ heights and distances. Administrative districts, crops—coffee, alang-alang, rice, sugarcane, coconut—and fishing ponds are shown.

Topographische kaart der residentie Djokjakarta



The residency of Djokjakarta (Yogyakarta), southern Java, featuring crops (coffee, sugar, rice, alang-alang, tobacco, indigo plants, nipa palm, bamboo); warehouses, cemeteries, post offices; routes, administrative borders; mountains, rivers.

Topographische kaart der residentie Tagal



The lower half of this two-sheet topographic map of the residency of Tagal (Tegal, Central Java) is dominated by mountains, with the upper half split between forests and rice paddies, and the larger settlements near the coast.

The central part of British Burmah with the Shan provinces of Burmah and Siam


location_onMyanmar, Thailand

The routes of eight expeditions through Burma (Myanmar) and Siam (Thailand) are shown, with text noting ‘Ancient ruins with sarcophagi, mummies’, ‘bazaar… great variety of European goods’, ‘great thoroughfare for the Chinese trading with the Shans’.

Kaart van de Minahassa in de residentie Manado



On this map of the northern tip of the Minahasa Peninsula, the roads have been added in pencil after the map was printed. Similarly, the elevation (side view) of the peninsula’s mountains has the route of a journey added in pencil.
